Stiff Competition - the novel

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                          The Clues

Late one dismal afternoon (what jolly lads are we!)
We buried all our principles and our integrity;
We buried all our honour, lads, our sense of fair play too:
We’d found them inconvenient - oh yes, me lads, it’s true.

From Wideboy Beach we took a path straight to a shady place;
The shadows hid the shifty looks on every shifty face.
We lost our way but found a man who knew the island well.
We hired him as a guide, with dodgy coins (he couldn’t tell!).

We realised that we’d become the lowest on the map.
We looked around and found nearby a feather for our cap.
We headed for the messenger and twisted to the right,
And took a route where some might see a creature of the night.

We scrambled up a slope and quickly marched along the line,
Had a drink then joined the road that bore no earthly sign.
Another walk, another left, a few more yards and then
We reached a place we wouldn’t go if we were better men. 

Fifty paces on we found a funny sort of tree,
And there we hid the treasure - oh what jolly lads are we!

Stiff Competition - the novelStiff Competition - the novel

Treasure Map 

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