Stiff Competition - the novel


Writing Comps

   Writing Competitions UK (and Others)

Stiff Competition - the novel



This is a comprehensive list of the most worthwhile (and genuine!) writing competitions currently available.  Genres include short story, flash fiction, novel, poetry, children’s, etc.  Most, but not all, are from the UK. All competitions on this site are carefully vetted.  Many are open worldwide.

     Bear in mind that contests with smaller prizes attract fewer entries and are therefore easier to win ... unless they are free to enter.

                                                                            -  Michael Shenton


UK Writing Competitions (currently 48)




Scribble Quarterly Short Story Competition .  This quarterly contest from Scribble magazine is for stories in any genre and on any subject, running to no more than 3,000 words.  Winners are chosen by the magazine’s readers.
    Closing: Quarterly.
    Prizes: £75, £25, £15.
    Entry Fee: £3.
    Comp Page:
Scribble SSC.




Flash 500 Competition.  Here’s a quarterly flash fiction contest which offers higher prize money than many similar competitions. It is for stories of up to 500 words on any theme.
    Closing: Quarterly (end of March, June, September, December).
    Prizes: 1st - £300.  2nd - £200.  3rd - £100.  Winners will be published on the website.
    Entry Fee: £5 each, £8 for two.
    Comp Page:
Flash 500 Story.


                         The Rules, the T&Cs, the Fine Print
When you submit a story or poem to a competition, you are entering into a contract with the promoter.  Make sure you know the terms.  It may be, for instance, that you are granting the promoter the right to publish your work without payment even if you don’t win.  This is often the price you pay for entering a contest with no entry fee.  If it bothers you, don’t participate.  But before you get sniffy about that 450-word story set in the sedate world of turnip farming, ask yourself this: Would I really be able to sell it to anyone else?  Publication, even without payment, might not be a bad thing if it gets you a healthy crop of readers.  And if it’s in a newspaper or magazine that carries some prestige ... well, there are plenty of struggling writers who would gift wrap and hand over their very souls for the privilege of being able to put that in their cv.  Only you can decide if it’s worth it.




Plaza First Chapters Prize.  To enter this content for first chapters of a literary novel you submit the first 5,000 words plus a 300-word synopsis.
    Closing: 31.7.24.
    Prizes: 1st - £1,500 and a one-hour zoom tutorial with the judge.  The winner will also receive a one-year subscription to the AI editing tool ProWritingAid.  2nd - £300 and a one-month subscription to ProWritingAid.  3rd - £100 and a oe-month sub to ProWritingAid.
    Entry Fee: £20 for the first, £10 thereafter.
    Comp Page:
Plaza First Chapters




Winchester Poetry Prize.  Back with a bang like a shot from a Winchester rifle is this annual contest from the Winchester Poetry Festival.  It is for poems of up to 40 lines.  Prizewinning poet Clare Shaw will be judging.
    Closing: 31.7.24..
    Prizes: £1,000, £500, £250.  Winners will be announced live at the Winchester Poetry Festival on Saturday, October 5, 2024.  Winning and commended poems will appear in an anthology which will be available on the day.  There is also a prize for the best poem written by a Hampshire-based poet.
    Entry Fee: £6 for the first, £5 thereafter.
    Comp Page:
Winchester Fest.




Seán O'Faoláin International Short Story Competition.  Here’s another international contest from the Munster Literature Centre in Cork, Ireland.  It is for stories up to 3,000 words on any subject and in any style.  Entries must be in English.
    Closing: 31.7.24.
    Prizes: 1st - 2,000 euros, a one week residency at Anam Cara Retreat, publication in Southword, and a featured reading at the Cork International Short Story Festival, with 4-night hotel stay and full board.  2nd - 500 euros and publication in Southword.  3rd - 250 euros and publication in Southword.
    Entry Fee: 19 euros.
    Comp Page:
Southword Story.




Olga Sinclair Prize.  This annual international contest from Norwich Writers’ Circle is for fiction of up to 2,000 words.  The theme this year is Nature.
    Closing: 31.7.24.
    Prizes: £500, £250, £100.  Winners and other shortlistees will be published in an anthology.
    Entry Fee: £9.
    Comp Page:
Olga Sinclair Prize.




Stephen Spender Prize for Poetry Translation.  This year’s contest has changed, with the Adult category now open worldwide, and additional categories added.  To enter, translate into English any poem from any language (60 lines max, extracts are accepted), then submit it together with a commentary of up to 300 words (see website for details) and the original poem.  There are other categories as well as Adult and Youth (one for schools, one for Teachers and one for poems celebrating Portuguese culture).  There is even a category for  BSL translations (you send in a link to a sign language video along with your entry).
    Closing: 31.7.24.
    Prizes: Adults - 1st - £1,000 and publication in Modern Poetry in Translation magazine.  2nd - £500.  3rd - £250.  All three winners will be published the Stephen Spender prize booklet, and there will be online publication for others.  The winning poem will be published in the print edition of Modern Poetry in Translation.  Youth Categories: 18 and Under - £100 each for three winners.  14 and Under - £75 each for three winners.
    Entry Fee: Adults - £10 for the first, £5 each for up to two more.  Entry is free if you are 18 or under.
    Comp Page:
Spender Prize.




Foyle Young Poets Competition.  Here’s a repeat of the annual poetry contest from the Poetry Society.  It is for poets between the ages of 11 and 15.  Entries can be up to 40 lines,  There is no theme.
    Closing: 31.7.24.
    Prizes: The 15 top winners will receive Poetry Society mentoring packages and their poems will be published in a print anthology.  All winners (100) will  receive youth membership of the Society, plus goody bags containing unspecified items (possibly sweets, weed, etc).   All will be invited to an awards ceremony.  Winning entries will appear in an online anthology.
    Entry Fee: None - free entry.
    Comp Page
Folye Young Poets




Clevedon Litfest Competition.  The open poetry category is for anyone resident in the UK, but the short story category is only for residents of North Somerset.  In both cases entrants must be 19 or over. Poems should run to no more than 40 lines, while stories can be up to 500 words.
    Closing: 12.8.24.
    Prizes (in each category): £100, £75, £50.
    Entry Fee: £5.
    Comp Page:
Clevedon Litfest




Fosseway Writers Flash Fiction Competition.  What they’re looking for here is stories of up to 300 words on the theme of ‘mistakes’
    Closing: 17.8.24.
    Prizes: National - £50, £30, £20.  Local author - £10.
    Entry Fee: £5 for the first, £3 thereafter.
    Comp Page:
Fosseway Flash.




SAW Summer Competitions.  You don't have to be a member of SAW (Scottish Association of Writers) to enter these two open contests, one for short stories, the other for poems, but you do have to be over 16.  Stories should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.  Poems have a limit of 40 lines.  In both cases there is no theme.  Douglas Bruton will be judging the stories while Gail Anderson will assess the poetry.
    Closing: 24.8.24.
    Prizes: Stories - £100, £50, £25.  Poetry - £100, £50, £25.
    Entry Fee: £7.
    Comp Page:
SAW Comps




SaveAs  International Writing Competition.  Here’s a repeat of the annual international contest from SaveAs Writers of Canterbury in Kent.  It is for poetry of up to 60 lines and stories running to no more than 3,500 words.  The theme this year is ‘risking all’, this being in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1924 British Everest Expedition.  So if you’ve got summit to say about that, now’s your chance. You can interpret the theme in any way you wish.  The email and postal entry addresses can be found in the T&Cs document (link at foot of the Saveas comp page).
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prizes (in each category): £200, £100, £50.
    Entry Fees: Poetry - £4 each, £10 for three.  Stories - £5 each, £12 for three.  Take note that there is an additional admin charge of 75p per entry for email submissions.
    Comp Page:
Saveas Comp.




Shelley Memorial Poetry Competition.  Poems of up to 50 lines are invited for this year’s contest from the Shelley Memorial Project.  Your entry should give a 21st Century interpretation to the “impact of the seasons‘ cyclical rhythm” or in other words the changing seasons.
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prizes: £250, £100, £50.  Best poem from Sussex: a trophy (the Sussex Cup) to adorn your mantelpiece or bookcase.
    Entry Fee: £5
    Comp Page:
Shelley Memorial




NAWG Open Competition.  Waking from hibernation is this annual contest from the National Association of Writers and Groups.  It is for poems of up to 40 lines and stories of between 500 and 2,000 words.  In both cases your efforts should be aimed at adults.
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prizes: £200, £100, £50.  Winning entries may be published on the website.
    Entry Fee : £5 each (story or poem).  In the poetry category, three poems can be entered for £10.
    Comp Page:




Letter Review Prize.  This regular international contest from the USA is free to enter this time round.  It has four categories: Short Fiction (up to 5,000 words, any genre), Poetry (all kinds, up to 70 lines), Non-fiction (up to 5,000 words), Unpublished Books.  Along with your entry, you need to include a cover letter with a short biographical note (fewer than 200 words).  There may be other requiremens in each category, so as usual you should check the T&Cs carefully.
    Closing: 31.8.24 (11.59pm ET).
    Prizes: There is a prize pool of $1,000 to be shared between 2 to 4 winners in each category.  Winning entries will be pubslished in the Letter Review online and in the winners’ anthology. All entries are considered for publication, and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and further anthologies.
    Entry Fee : Free for the first, $5 thereafter.
    Comp Page:
Letter Review Contests




Before I discovered your website I’d never even thought of trying my luck in a writing competition. My stories were a very private part of my life, I was (and for the most of the time still am) very convinced that they are not good enough for the ‘outside world’.
     I don’t know what made me try - call it a crazy moment of self-confidence - but here I am the October winner of the Cazart short story competition. I haven’t felt so good about myself in months. It might not seem like a big deal to the world but for me it means everything. And it would not have happened if it wasn’t for your wonderful website.
     Thank You very much.                                         -  Dorota Nocun




Oxford Poetry Prize.  Here’s another international contest from Oxford Poetry, the oldest dedicated poetry magazine in the UK (founded 1910).  It is for poems of up to 50 lines.
    Closing: 31.8.24 (midnight UTC).
    Prizes: £1,000, £200, £100.  The winner will be published in a print issue of Oxford Poetry and online.  Second and Third prize winners will be offered publication.
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
Oxford Poetry




Edinburgh Flash Fiction Awards.  Here’s a quick one from the Scottish Arts Trust.  Open worldwide, it is for stories of up to 250 words on any subject.  There is an additional prize - the Golden Hare Award for writers over 16 who live or study in Scotland.  Unfortunately the Silver Tortoise Award for writers who fail to complete their entries in time will not be running this year as no one entered last year.
    Closing : 31.8.24.
    Prizes: 1st £2,000 plus trophy.  2nd - £300.  3rd - £150.  Golden Hare Award - £500.  Write Mango Flash Award (bizarre, quirky stories) - £300 plus a special sculpture.  No entrant can win both awards.  Publication is offered to the writers of the top 20 stories.
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
Edinburgh Flash




Edinburgh True Flash Award.  Here’s another flash fiction contest from the Scottish Arts Trust.  This time it’s for creative non-fiction of up to 250 words.
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prizes: 1st £300.  The winner and at least two highly commended poems will be published in the Scottish Arts Trust Story Awards Anthology.
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
Edinburgh Flash




Inclusive Voices Short Story Competition.  Here’s a new contest from Calibre Audio, a national charity that provides audiobooks for people with a print disability.  Entries, which must be 550 words or fewer, should feature a character who finds it difficult to read the printed word.  This character must face a challenge connected with their disability.  There are four age categories: Under 11, 11-17, 18-25, 26 and over.
    Closing: 31.8.24 (5pm)
    Prizes (in each category): 1st - An Echo Dot and a £20 book token.  The winner also gets a day in the Calibre studio with the opportunity to record (or hear recorded by someone else) their story for inclusion in the Calibre Collection.  There will be a photoshoot and a celebratory lunch.  The story will be published in the Best Inclusive Voices print book which will also be recorded.  2nd - An Echo Dot, a £20 book token and the story published in Best Inclusive Voices.  3rd - A £20 book token, and the story published in Best Inclusive Voices.  The three winners will be invited to attend a prize-giving event.
    Entry Fee: None - free entry.
    Comp Page:
Calibre Audio




Fool for Poetry Competition.  To enter this international chapbook competition from Munster Literature Centre in southern Ireland you submit 16 to 24 pages of your work.  The poems can have been published before but they must not have appeared together in a book.
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prizes (in euroes): 1,000, 500.  The two winners will be published in chapbook form by Southword Editions.  Each will receive 25 free copies of their book.
    Entry Fee: 25 euros.
    Comp Page:
Fool Poetry




Aesthetica Creative Writing Award.  The writing in question for this contest from Aesthetica Magazine is short fiction running to no more than 2,000 words, and poetry of up to 40 lines.  Submissions can be on any subject and may have been previously published.
    Closing: 31.8.24.
    Prize (in each category): £2,500 plus other writing related prizes.  Finalists will be published in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual.
    Entry Fee: £18 for fiction, £12 for poetry.
    Comp Page:
Aesthetica Award.




Searchlight Awards Novel Opening Competition.  The novel in question must be aimed at middle-grade children or young adults (7 to 18).  The opening should run to no more than 1,200 words and must be accompanied by a pitch of up to 175 words.
    Closing: 1.9.24.
    Prizes: 1st - £1,000 and a one-to-one call with the agent judge..  In addition, along with other shortlisted entries, your story will be included in the Winners’ Collection which is sent to literary agents and publishers.  Also, your story and biography will be included in the Winners’ Gallery on the Searchlight website.
    Entry Fee: £16.
    Comp Page:
Searchlight Novel




Searchlight Awards Children’s Picture Book Text Competition. You only need to supply the words for this one - up to five hundred, to be precise - plus a pitch of up to 175 words..
    Closing: 1.9.24.
    Prizes: 1st - £500 and your story included in the Winners’ Collection which is sent to literary agents and publishers.  Your story and biography will also be included in the Winners’ Gallery on the Searchlight website.
    Entry Fee: £12.
    Comp Page:
Searchlight Picture Book




100-Word Flash Fiction Competition.  To enter this one from Southam Book Festival in Warwickshire you submit a story of up to 100 words.  Your story must contain one of the following words: tip, tipping, tipped.  Your story must have a title and the title is to be included in the word count.  The title cannot contain any of the compulsory words.
    Closing: 8.9.24 (noon).
    Prizes: £60, £30, £20.
    Entry Fee: £3 each, £10 for up to five.
    Comp Page:
Southam Flash 100.




New Voices First Novel Competition.  Here we have another international contest from London-based mentoring service Adventures in Fiction.  It requires you to submit the first page of your novel and a one-page synopsis.  The contest is aimed at writers who have completed at least 50 pages of their manuscript.
    Closing : 14.9.24.
    Prizes: A start-up mentoring package (normally costing ovr £750) which includes manuscript appraisal, a consultation and a development strategy.
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
New Voices.




Dear Michael,
     Thank you for maintaining your informative and witty list of writing competitions.
     I entered loads of them last year and got precisely nowhere, but I ploughed on regardless and have just won second prize (£100) in the Flash 500 Humour Verse contest, which would suggest that your friend Percy Vere might be onto something.
                                                                             -  Melanie Branton




Troubadour Poetry Prize.  A poem of up to 45 lines could give you grounds for celebration in this annual competition from Coffee House Poetry of London.  This year’s contest will be judged by Jane Yeh and Glyn Maxwell.
    Closing: 23.9.24.
    Prizes: £2,000, £1,000, £500.
    Entry Fee: £6.
    Comp Page:
Coffee House.




Togetherness Poetry Challenge.  The theme for this one is, as the name implies, Togetherness.  There is a 45 line limit.  All submitted poems will be published online.  A selection from these will appear in an anthology.  You can if you wish use an image to illustrate your poem.
    Closing: 24.9.24.
    Prizes: £500, £100 x 5.
    Entry Fee: None - free entry.
    Comp Page:




Hammond House International Writing Competitions.  This annual offering from Hammond House Publishing at University Centre Grimsby is for short stories of between 1,000 and 5,000 words, poems of up to 40 lines, scripts (theatre, radio, short film or TV) of up to 10 pages (approx. 10 minutes duration), and Songwriting in the form of just lyrics or complete songs.  In all categories the theme is Time.
    Closing: 30.9.24.
    Prizes: Short Story - £1,000, £100, £50.  Poetry - £250, £50, £25.  Script - £500.  Songwriting - £100 in each sub-category, plus the song will be played at the 2025 Literary Festival and released worldwide on the Hammond House record label.  All shortlisted entries in the Story and Poetry categories will be published in the anthology, as will the scriptwriting winners.  There will be a televised awards ceremony (so get your politically correct, virtue signalling acceptance speech ready - and don't forget to thank the train/taxi driver, etc, without whom you wouldn’t be there).
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
HH Lit Prize




Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Prize.  This regular visitor from the USA has now become two competitions in one: the Tom Howard Prize and the Margaret Reid Prize.  The former is for poems in any style, while the latter is for traditional verse as defined on the competition page.  In both cases the line limit is a very generous (some might say extravagant) 250.
    Closing: 30.9.24.
    Prizes: Tom Howard Prize (any style) - $3,500 + gift certificate.  Margaret Reid Prize (traditional verse) - $3,500 + gift certificate.  In addition there will be ten Honourable Mention awards of $300.  The Dishonourable Mention awards have been dropped this year following several suicides.  I wrote that last bit on April 1st.
    Entry Fee: $22 per submission (one submission can contain up to 3 poems).
    Comp Page:
TH & MR Poetry.




Plaza Poetry Prize.  You have just 20 lines to impress the judge in this contest from Plaza Prizes Ltd.
    Closing: 30.9.24.
    Prizes: £1,000, £300, £100.  The ten shortlisted entries will be published in an anthology.
    Entry Fee: £10 for the first, £5 thereafter.
    Comp Page:
Plaza Poetry 20




Dear Michael,
     I love your website and its pertinent personal comments re the comps.
     I entered the Alexander Cordell one some months ago, the mini saga, and was short-listed to win. It was a 600 mile round trip with two toddlers but we had a really wonderful weekend. My husband is self employed and works really long hours so it was great to drag him away and out into the countryside. The people were lovely, the whole event was fascinating, and I was thrilled to get two books and a book token. My little girl age 3 gets excited every time Wales is mentioned on the news now! The greatest thrill was hearing the Director of Visit Wales read out my story so reverently, and with evident enjoyment. The organisers were delighted with the world-wide entries.  I don’t write for money - just as well - but for the love of the medium and the message.
     Keep up the good work!                                         -  Julie Noble




Moth Nature Writing Prize. This annual contest from Irish magazine The Moth is for nature writing of up to 4,000 words.  I should perhaps mention for the uninitiated that the magazine is not devoted to the subject of moths, fascinating though these creatures may be.  It is an arts and literature magazine.  But you can write about moths if you wish as there is no set theme.  The contest is open worldwide.
    Closing: 30.9.24.
    Prizes: 1st - 1,000 euros.  The winner also gets a week at Circle of Misse in France.  Runners-up - 500 euros, 250 euros.  Winning entries will be published online.
    Entry Fee: 15 euros.
    Comp Page:
Moth Nature Writing.




Crowvus Christmas Ghost Story.  This is the eighth of these annual ghost story contests from Scottish independent publisher Crowvus.  Spooky tales of up to 4,000 words are required.
    Closing: 30.9.24.
    Prizes: £100, £75, £50.  Shortlisted writers will receive a free copy of the anthology.
    Entry Fee: £3 for one, £5 for two (two being the maximum permitted).
    Comp Page:
Crowvus Story




Waltham Forest Poetry Competition.  Here’s a contest from Waltham Forest in London.  It is open to poets worldwide.  The theme is FRIENDSHIP, and you can interpret this in any way you choose - as long as you confine your musings to no more than 40 lines.
    Closing: 14.10.24.
    Prizes: £400, £200, £100.  Funniest Poem - £100.  Local Prize - £50, £30, £20.  Young Poets - £50, £30, £20.  Young Poets local - £50, £30, £20.   Funniest Poem (on the main theme) - £100.  Winners will be published on the website.
    Entry Fee: £3 for the first, £1 thereafter (up to 6 poems).  Young poets (under 18) - Free.
    Comp Page:
Waltham Poetry




The Caledonia Novel Award 2024.  This annual international competition from Edinburgh is open to unpublished and self-published novelists.  It is for stories of at least 50,000 words in any adult or young adult genre.  To enter, you email the first 20 pages of your novel (lines to be double-spaced) followed by a 200 word synopsis.  If longlisted you will be expected to submit the full manuscript by 8.12.24.  Alice Lutyens from the Curtis Brown literary agency will be judging,
    Closing : 15.10.24.
    Prizes: 1st - £1,500 and an exclusive award designed by Edinburgh artist Lucy Roscoe.  Highly Commended - £500.  There is in addition a special prize for the best entry from the British Isles and Ireland, comprising a place on a writing course at Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre.  This is in the Scottish Highlands, possibly 14 miles from the nearest pub.  There will be no trains and quite likely no road.  You will therefore complete your journey on a donkey, accompanied by native guides and sherpas.  Or maybe not.  Maybe you will glide up to the door in a taxi and have no hardships or challenges to write about in your diary.  That would be a pity in my view.
    Entry Fee: £28.
    Comp Page:
Cal Novel Award.




Eyelands Book Awards.  This is the seventh of these international book award contests from literary magazine Eyelands and Strange Days Books in Greece.  There are two main categories: Published Book and Unpublished Book.  Acceptable genres are Poetry Collection, Novella, Short Story Collection, Novel, Children’s Book, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Graphic Novel.
    Closing: 20.10.24 (midnight PST).
    Prizes: Unpublished Book Grand Prize - Translation into Greek and publication by Strange Days Books, plus a special handmade ceramic.  Published Book Grand Prize - a 5-day holiday in Athens, a special handmade ceramic.  Writers’ Choice (as voted for by other prizewinners) - a 5-day stay in Athens.  Runners-up (10) - A special handmade ceramic and a book.  A poem or short story from each prizewinner will be translated and published in an anthology, with every prizewinner receiving a free copy.  All winners and finalists receive a certificate, ideal for hanging on the wall where your visitors are sure to see it (i.e. next to the drinks cabinet or the television).
    Entry Fee: 30 euros up to September 1st, then 40 euros.  Free for writers from Ukraine.
    Comp Page:
Eyelands Comp




Cheltenham Poetry Festival Competition.  This is the Cheltenham Poetry Festival’s second annual  international poetry competition.  Entries can be up to 50 lines.
    Closing: 20.10.24.
    Prizes: £300, £100, £50.  The first prize winner will be offered a guest slot at the 2025 Festival, either online or in person.
    Entry Fee: £4 each, £10 for three, £15 for five.
    Comp Page:
Cheltenham Poetry




Poetry Society National Poetry Competition.  In 1983 Carol Ann Duffy won this contest, and 26 years later she became the Poet Laureate.  So if you’re hoping to become an overnight sensation, this is probably not the ideal starting point.  But there are compensations.  The top cash award is one of the best in the business, and the second prize isn’t bad either.  Your poem should run to no more than 40 lines.  The contest is open to poets from around the world ... as long as they can write in English.
    Closing: 31.10.24.
    Prizes: £5,000, £2,000, £1,000.  Commended prizes - £500.
    Entry Fee: £8 for the first, £5 thereafter.
    Comp Page:




Bedford Writing Competition.  This annual not-for-profit contest from Bedfordshire, home of the famous Shuttleworth Collection (old aeroplanes and cars) is for stories of up to 3,000 words and poems running to no more than 40 lines.
    Closing: 31.10.24.
    Prizes in each category (Poetry, Short Story): £1,500, £300, £200.  In addition there are special prizes for young writers and Bedford residents.  Shortlisted and winning entries will be published in an anthology (e-book and hardcopy).
    Entry Fee: £8.50 each, £17 for three.  Full-time students: £6 each, £12 for three.
    Comp Page:




Trio International Poetry Competition.  Trio Uganda is running this contest to raise money for books and other scholastic materials for a school being built by the impoverished community of Agaria Island in Uganda.  Poems, which should run to no more than 40 lines, can be on any subject.
    Closing: 31.10.24.
    Prizes: £1,000, £300, £100, 4 x £25.
    Entry Fee : £5 for one £8 for two, £10 for three.
    Comp Page:
Trio Poetry




Dear Mr Michael
    I discovered your website back in November, then, in January, finally had the guts to enter the Whidbey Writers’ Competition, with the 'lazy' way of judging entries: stopping reading once they found 'the one'. The January theme was Villains, and, guess what, I won.
    Thank goody-goody gumdrops for Prizemagic.
    Keep Smiling
- Hannie Duncombe (The youngest ever Student Choice winner, at 13, thanks to you.)




Novel Opening Competition.  For this annual contest from the Flash 500 website you submit the first chapter of your novel, or just the first 3,000 words if the chapter is longer.  Add to this a one-page synopsis of up to 750 words outlining the rest of the story.
    Closing: 31.10.24.
    Prizes: £500, £200.
    Entry Fee: £10 for one, £18 for two, £26 for three.
    Comp Page:




Scribble Short Story CompetitionScribble magazine’s annual story competition is for tales of up to 3,000 words.  This year the theme is ‘GOING BACK.’
   Closing: 1.11.24.
    Prizes: £100, £50, £25.
    Entry Fee: £5.
    Comp Page:
Scribble Story.




F(r)iction Writing Competition.  This international contest from the USA has three categories: Short Story (1,001 to 7,500 words), Poetry (up to three pages per poem), and Flash Fiction (up to 1,000 words).
    Closing: 1.11.24.
    Prizes: Short Story - $1,000.  Flash Fiction - £300.  Poetry - $300.
    Entry Fees: Short Story - $15.  Poetry and Flash Fiction - single entry $10, three-pack $12.
    Comp Page:
F(r)iction Comps




Bath Children's Novel Award.  This annual international contest, which is open to unpublished and self-published emerging authors, is for novels and chapter books of any length (but see recommendations) aimed at children or young adults.  It is also for picture books. To enter a novel or chapter book, you send the first 5,000 words plus a one-page synopsis.  For picture books, you submit up to three complete stories in the same document with short summaries of each story (without pictures).
     Closing: 30.11.24.
     Prizes: 1st - £5,000 and a Minerva trophy.  The writer of the most promising longlisted novel will receive an online place on Edit Your Novel the Professional Way from co-sponsors Professional Writing Academy and Cornerstones Literary Consultancy.  Shortlisted entrants will receive feedback on their work.
     Entry Fee: £29.99 (for picture books, this covers up to three stories in the same document).
     Comp Page:
BCN Award.




Paul Cave Prize for Literature.  Here’s a repeat of the new contest from Tim Saunders Publications of Southampton.  It is for novellas running to no more than 10,000 words, short stories of up to 1,000 words, flash fiction up to 300 words and poems of no more than 30 lines.
    Closing: 30.11.24.
    Prizes: Novella - £150.  Short story - £75.  Flash Fiction - £35.  Poem - £35.  Winners will receive a free copy of the anthology.
    Entry Fees: Novella - £26 for one, £42 for two.  Short story - £13 for one, £20 for two.  Poem/Flash Fiction - up to 3 for £10, up to 8 for £20.
    Comp Page:
Paul Cave Prize




Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition.  This annual contest from the Munster Literature Centre in Cork, Ireland, is for poems of up to 40 lines in English on any subject.
    Closing: 30.11.24.  Opens for entries 1.9.24.
    Prizes: 1st - 2,000 euros, featured reading at the Cork International Poetry Festival (with 4-night hotel stay and full board), plus publication in the Southword journal and featured in the Southword Poetry Podcast.  2nd - 500 euros and publication in Southword.  3rd - 250 euros and publication in Southword.  Runners-up (10) - 50 euros and publication in Southword
    Entry Fee: 7 euros each, 30 euros for five.
    Comp Page:
Greg OD Poetry.




To Hull and Back Humorous Writing Contest.  Would it surprise you to know that this one comes from Hull?  Well here’s the real surprise: it doesn’t.  It has its origina in Bristol.  Furthermore, the prize doesn't involve a trip to Hull.  But don’t worry: to ease your disppointment a copy of the anthology containing your winning entry will be taken to Hull on a Harley Davidson motorbike.  I assume there will be a video of that great event for you to enjoy.
    Closing: 30.6.25.
    Prizes: £1,000, £200, £100.  Highly Commended (3) - £70.  Shortlisted (14) - £35.  Winners and shortlistees will be published in a print anthology as well as a Kindle book.
    Entry Fee: £10.
    Comp Page:
Hull & Back.




Exeter Novel Competition.  To enter this annual contest from Creative Writing Matters of Exeter you submit a total of 10,000 words, this being the opening section of your unpublished novel and a synopsis.  All genres are welcome including Middle Grade children’s (9 to 12 years), Young Adult and New Adult.  Hellie Ogden, head of the book department at WME Agency’s London office will be the final judge.
    Closing: 1.1.25.
    Prizes: 1st - £1,000 plus a trophy.  Runners-up (5) - £100 and a paperweight.  There will be an Awards Ceremony in Exeter in April.
    Entry Fee: £20.
    Comp Page:
Exeter Novel




L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Competition.  This US contest is open worldwide and is for short stories of up to 17,000 words.  They should be science fiction, fantasy or horror with fantastic elements.
    Closing: Quarterly.
    Prizes: $1,000, $750, $500.
    Entry Fee: None.
Click Here.




Dear Michael
     Just to say a big ‘Thank You’ for your work on the website. I have been selected for publication in the Mirador competition which ran last year and have been awarded 3rd place in the Stringybark Speculative Fiction competition. To be published twice is like a dream for me, which the information found on your site made possible. Thanks again.
                                                                                    -   Pat Davies




Notes: Unless otherwise stated in the rules, all poetry should be single-spaced.  The rest should be double-spaced (which is to say, double spacing between the lines, not the words!).  It is sometimes the case that your name shouldn’t appear on the manuscript.  Again, check the rules.  If you put your name on there after being told not to, you’re out.  Don’t use coloured paper or fancy fonts, and don’t send your manuscript done up like the Queen’s dinner menu with a fancy gold-tooled leather cover.  These things merely announce that you have no confidence in your submission or, worse, that you think the judges are shallow enough to judge on appearance rather than content.  Plain white A4 80gsm paper is the stuff to use, with plain black typing or print.  Write on one side of the sheet only (unless asked to put your address on the back).


        Before you start writing, allow me to introduce you to an old friend

                                       The Typo Goblin

I am the Typo Goblin, my heart is made of flint,
  My role in life is simply this: to keep you out of print.
  I sneak into your manuscript and do my fiendish work,
  Adding errors guaranteed to make you look a berk.
  And then I cast the ‘Careless’ spell: you say, ‘Ah, what the heck!’
  And pop your script into the post without that final check.
  At length some hapless editor receives your golden wit,
  And after reading fifty words he writes it off as ... unpublishable.

- Michael Shenton


Finally, as you sift through the remnants of your shattered dreams and wonder if it’s worth going on ...



   My Humorous Verse, Songs, Etc (sample)
his is the Prizemagic website
                           Copyright:  Michael Shenton  2024

                                                           Poem: Being a Writer


                             Romantic Poetry by Michael Shenton (sample)




Be a Winner



Treasure  Hunt

